CCEDC - Champaign County Economic Development Corporation
CCEDC stands for Champaign County Economic Development Corporation
Here you will find, what does CCEDC stand for in Marketing under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Champaign County Economic Development Corporation? Champaign County Economic Development Corporation can be abbreviated as CCEDC What does CCEDC stand for? CCEDC stands for Champaign County Economic Development Corporation. What does Champaign County Economic Development Corporation mean?The Marketing company falls under market research category and is located in Champaign, Illinois.
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Alternative definitions of CCEDC
- Cornell Cooperative Extension Dutchess County
- Chester County Economic Development Council
- Copperas Cove Economic Development Corporation
- Chatham County Economic Development Corporation
- Carteret County Economic Development Council
View 6 other definitions of CCEDC on the main acronym page
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- CHM Chicago Health Magazine
- CSAML Cedar Street Asset Management LLC
- CCTF Coolidge Corner Theatre Foundation
- CCTL Creative Consulting and Training Ltd
- CR Comune di Rende
- CCL Canon Consultancy Limited
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- CPH Camden Pet Hospital
- CCR Creekside Construction and Restoration